Personal Support

“Facilitating safety, belonging and meaning..”

Personal Support is offered through local people responding to local needs. Personal Support Workers assist affected people with information, emotional comfort, the provision of basic needs, linkage to social networks and referral services.

Offering compassion in times of crisis is essential to the emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual recovery of affected people. The VCC Emergencies Ministry sends out appropriately trained local volunteers to support those dealing with trauma.

Personal Support is not time-limited. It is a generic term meaning to care for the whole person commencing at the point of impact of an event.

Our Services


Multi Faith

The VCC Emergencies Ministry program supports a multicultural and multifaith response to emergencies and disasters.

Personal Support

Personal Support Workers assist affected people with information, emotional comfort, the provision of basic needs, linkage to social networks and referral services.


Outreach is visiting people in their own homes during an emergency or disaster to offer information and gather details as to the needs of those individuals.
Man providing chaplaincy support to a woman

Emotional Spiritual Care

Emotional Spiritual Care is concerned with the ultimate search for meaning in times of crisis. Suffering is not what destroys people, rather “suffering without meaning” – Victor Frankl

Psychological First Aid

Psychological first aid can address emotional and spiritual wounds, it includes making contact, ensuring safety, communicating, comforting, reassuring and offering support.
Man providing chaplaincy support to a woman


Chaplains provide emotional and spiritual care, comfort and compassion to people affected by trauma as a result of an emergency or disaster.