Local Government Training
& Agency Training
VCC Emergencies Ministry has been delivering a training program titled “Introduction to Personal Support” to Local Government staff for over 10 years.
Local Government Training
This course provides an introduction to personal support and facilitating self-recovery following an emergency. It will provide you with the opportunity to learn simple, safe ways to support those affected by emergency events, your colleagues and yourself. It will cover how stress and critical incidents affect us, and how we can be better prepared to work through these challenging times and come through well. Intro to Personal support training was developed by VCC EM in conjunction with the NW Metro collaboration of councils and has recently had a full refresh.
Who should attend the training
All staff who could have a role during or after an emergency including ERC staff, recovery hub staff, Call center staff, SIA teams, etc.
Objectives include
- Understanding individual and community affect following disaster
- Understand recovery & the Victorian Psychosocial recovery framework
- Learn skills to support your role
- Understanding the psychological reactions to stress and trauma
- Provide an overview of Psychological First Aid
- The importance of role clarity
- Self care
Why Use VCC EM
VCC EM has been working in the Emergency Management space providing support to communities following emergencies and disasters for over 40 years. All our trainers have significant first hand experience in EM settings such as Relief Centres, community outreach, SIA’s etc.
Agency Training
VCC EM has adapted this package and produced other packages that have been delivered to community members as well as agencies such as RFDS and legacy.
For more information about organising training to be run for your council or agency please contact the VCC EM office via 7037 6010 or info@vccem.org.au
(This training is offered on a fee for service basis)